Make your vote count. The MarinKids 2012 Voter Guide provides information about key issues affecting children in Marin relevant to the 2012 election. The Guide covers education, healthcare access, poverty, childhood obesity and offers data and questions to help you learn about the candidates positions. Use it at public forums, in letters, emails and phone calls to candidates and to inform other voters.

MarinKids 2012 School Board Voter Guide – PDF

The MarinKids 2012 School Board Voter Guide provides information on important issues impacting education and children in Marin. With data and key questions for school board candidates, the guide can be used at forums, emails and phone calls to candidates and school board members .

Children’s Investment Initiative Survey Results -PDF

Results of a spring 2012 grassroots and online survey of Marin residents show nearly unanimous support for equal access to important programs for children including early childhood education, healthcare access and family support services. Additionally, a majority of respondents would be willing to support local sales taxes to do so.

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